Welcome Baby from Home (0-5 months) Winter/Spring
Welcome Baby From Home, a 5-week virtual program for parents of babies 0-5 months old, is focused on building Jewish...
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Get ready for a fun-filled morning of moving and grooving with Stacy Lake of Small Singers & Shakers! Join other local families with babies 0-2 yrs for a light brunch & interactive musical fun. Older siblings welcome! Cost: $15 per family. For questions, contact welcomebaby@jccgb.org
Photos may be taken at this event and used for promotional purposes, including social media. If you prefer not to have your photo taken, please inform event staff when you arrive.
Welcome Baby From Home, a 5-week virtual program for parents of babies 0-5 months old, is focused on building Jewish...
Grab your sneakers and join us for a weekly walk around the indoor JCC track with Welcome Baby! We will meet at the entrance...
Celebrate the joy and festivity of Purim through the senses. This creative, rich and immersive program engages children,...
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