Welcome Baby from Home (0-5 months) Winter/Spring
Welcome Baby From Home, a 5-week virtual program for parents of babies 0-5 months old, is focused on building Jewish...
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Let's meet up at Patriot Place with other Welcome Baby families! We will meet by the Dunkin Donuts area, grab a coffee, and mingle on the green. A small snack will be provided, drinks will be pay for your own. Pre-registration required to receive event updates and weather cancellations. For families with babies 0-2 yrs; siblings welcome. Questions, email: welcomebaby2@jccgb.org
Photos may be taken during this program and used for promotional purposes, including social media. If you prefer not to have your photo taken, please inform staff when you arrive.
Welcome Baby From Home, a 5-week virtual program for parents of babies 0-5 months old, is focused on building Jewish...
Sleep is always a hot topic for parents of newborns and toddlers. Welcome Baby is teaming up with Big Picture Sleep for a...
To make any changes to your membership status, or if you simply have a question about a program, class or event, just fill out the form and we’ll take it from there.