Strength Training Program (Ages 13-15)
Boost your mental and physical health with this 6-week strength training class designed for teens. Led by a Certified...
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Boost your mental and physical health with this 5-week strength training class designed for teens. Led by a Certified Personal Trainer Luca Smith, receive expert instruction on core movements (i.e., push, pull, & hinge) and incorporate this knowledge to perform compound exercises (i.e., bench press, squat, & dead lift) and more to build a complete workout. Strength training has so many benefits including increased energy levels, elevated body image, enhanced brain health, improved mood & so much more essential to overall teen health and wellbeing. This program meets Mondays, 1/13 - 2/10
Cost: $185 | JCC Member Cost: $150
**Photos may be taken during this class and used for promotional purposes, including social media. If you prefer not to have your photo taken, please inform staff when you arrive.
Boost your mental and physical health with this 6-week strength training class designed for teens. Led by a Certified...
The Jewish Story Lab (JSL) is a transformative journey designed for students in grades 6-8. As they approach the significant...
This 6-week program is for teens who have already completed the teen strength program at least once or are familiar with...
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