Parkinson’s Cycle
Research has found that cycling, especially when pedaling at a rate faster than your own voluntary cadence, may allow the...
Spring ELC: Little Scientists (3-4 yrs) – Mondays
FOR ELC CHILDREN:Join us for a science adventure! Learn the basics of scientific reactions and then see them for yourself!...
Spring ELC: Arts Explorers (3-5 yrs) – Mondays
FOR ELC CHILDREN: Join local artist, Julie Middleton, on an artful journey! Use clay to create unique sculptures, learn...
Introduction to Balance and Injury Prevention
Led by a Certified Personal Trainer and functional movement specialist, this class is designed for participants who need to...
Spring ELC: Little Scientists (4-5 yrs) – Mondays
FOR ELC CHILDREN:Join us for a science adventure! Learn the basics of scientific reactions and then see them for yourself!...
Spring ELC: Little Dancers (4-5 yrs)
FOR ELC CHILDREN: CLASSROOM CONNECTIONS If there’s a lesson in every game, then surely there is a game to be found in every...
Core-Based Injury Prevention
Take your balance and injury prevention practice to the next level in this core-based training class led by a Certified...
Karishim – Pre-Swim E1 – Mon & Wed
Karishim – Pre-Swim E3 – Mon & Wed
Karishim – Pre-Swim E2 – Mon & Wed
Godine PTC – $36
Godine PTC – $54
Godine PTC – $72
Godine PTC – $90
Learn the Basics of Oil and Pastel Painting
Discover your creativity and elevate your painting skills in this class. You'll dive deep into mastering your chosen...