4 Week Pickleball 201 Clinic
Have you taken an intro class but don't feel comfortable moving forward with the game? Pickleball 201 is the class for...
4 Week Intro to Pickleball Fast Track Clinic
This progressive 4-week clinic is designed for new/newer players who have minimal to no knowledge of the game and are...
Godine PTC – $36
Godine PTC – $54
Godine PTC – $72
Godine PTC – $90
February American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Course
Become a certified lifeguard with this Blended Learning course. This course will include first aid and CPR/AED training,...
Learn the Basics of Oil and Pastel Painting
Discover your creativity and elevate your painting skills in this class. You'll dive deep into mastering your chosen...
Beginner Mah Jongg: Tuesday
Mah Jongg is a fast-moving game that will sharpen cognitive, memorization, and decision-making skills. This is a beginners...
Walk and Talk Health: Walking Group
Walk and Talk Health is a self-led walking group for seniors offered in collaboration between Newton Wellesley Hospital...
4 Week Cardio Pickleball Clinic
While Pickleball may have a short court and not a lot of space to cover, conditioning is an important aspect of being a...
Newton ELC (Godine) – 10 Month Pizza 2024-2025
Newton ELC (Godine) – 12 Month Pizza 2024-2025
Winter ELC: Art Explorers (3-5 yrs) – Tuesdays
FOR ELC CHILDREN: Join local artist, Julie Middleton, on an artful journey! Use clay to create unique sculptures, learn...
Winter ELC: Little Chefs (4-5 yrs) – Tuesdays
FOR ELC CHILDREN: Join EmJ for a hands-on culinary exploration experience! Bake, cook, cut and chop (using child friendly...