4 Week Cardio Pickleball Clinic
While Pickleball may have a short court and not a lot of space to cover, conditioning is an important aspect of being a...
4 Week Pickleball 201 Clinic
Have you taken an intro class but don't feel comfortable moving forward with the game? Pickleball 201 is the class for...
4 Week Intro to Pickleball Fast Track Clinic
This progressive 4-week clinic is designed for new/newer players who have minimal to no knowledge of the game and are...
4 Week Cardio Pickleball Clinic
While Pickleball may have a short court and not a lot of space to cover, conditioning is an important aspect of being a...
Pickleball Skill Session: Beat the Basher
Have you noticed a lot of players are hitting the ball REALLY hard during your games? People often use their power to...
4 Week Pickleball 201 Clinic
Have you taken an intro class but don't feel comfortable moving forward with the game? Pickleball 201 is the class for...
4 Week Intro to Pickleball Fast Track Clinic
This progressive 4-week clinic is designed for new/newer players who have minimal to no knowledge of the game and are...
4 Week Cardio Pickleball Clinic
While Pickleball may have a short court and not a lot of space to cover, conditioning is an important aspect of being a...
Chutes & Ladders Pickleball Session
Chutes and Ladders is a game-heavy play session designed to test your mettle and develop skills against other players!...
4 Week Pickleball 201 Clinic
Have you taken an intro class but don't feel comfortable moving forward with the game? Pickleball 201 is the class for...
4 Week Intro to Pickleball Fast Track Clinic
This progressive 4-week clinic is designed for new/newer players who have minimal to no knowledge of the game and are...
4 Week Cardio Pickleball Clinic
While Pickleball may have a short court and not a lot of space to cover, conditioning is an important aspect of being a...
Pickleball Skill Session: Court Awareness
Players often get "lost" on the court during play and get confused as to where they should be standing/playing...