Israeli Dance
Israeli Dance is a cross of Middle Eastern dance steps with music and styles from all over the world. Learn traditional and...
Newton ELC (Godine) – 10 Month Challah 2024-2025
Newton ELC (Godine) – 12 Month Challah 2024-2025
Winter ELC: Mixed Sports (3-4 yrs)
FOR ELC CHILDREN: Join Coach Wayne for this fun mixed sports & games class! Enjoy classics such as kickball, fishy...
Dynamic Balance and Injury Prevention
Led by a Certified Personal Trainer and functional movement specialist, this class is designed for participants who have...
Winter ELC: Mixed Sports (4-5 yrs)
FOR ELC CHILDREN: Join Coach Wayne for this fun mixed sports & games class! Enjoy classics such as kickball, fishy...
Winter ELC: Chess (4-5 yrs)
FOR ELC CHILDREN: If you are curious and creative, and love to solve puzzles, then this hands-on, activity-driven, chess...
Winter Chess Challengers (5-12 yrs) – Thursdays
This class is designed for new players and advanced beginners. It is a visually stimulating, interactive introduction to...
PJ Library Drop-in Playgroup Celebrates Tu B’Shevat!
Tu B'Shevat is the Birthday of the Trees! Join our lively PJ Library playgroup for a special Tu B'Shevat...
PJ Library Drop-in Playgroup Celebrates Tu B’Shevat!
Tu B'Shevat is the Birthday of the Trees! Join our lively PJ Library playgroup for a special Tu B'Shevat...
PJ Library Drop-in Playgroup Celebrates Tu B’Shevat!
Tu B'Shevat is the Birthday of the Trees! Join our lively PJ Library playgroup for a special Tu B'Shevat...
PJ Library Drop-in Playgroup Celebrates Tu B’Shevat!
Tu B'Shevat is the Birthday of the Trees! Join our lively PJ Library playgroup for a special Tu B'Shevat...
PJ Library Drop-in Playgroup Celebrates Tu B’Shevat!
Tu B'Shevat is the Birthday of the Trees! Join our lively PJ Library playgroup for a special Tu B'Shevat...
PJ Library Drop-in Playgroup Celebrates Tu B’Shevat!
Tu B'Shevat is the Birthday of the Trees! Join our lively PJ Library playgroup for a special Tu B'Shevat...
Welcome Baby Coffee at Coolidge Corner
Come in from the cold and join Welcome Baby families in Coolidge Corner, Brookline. Order a warm beverage while we chat and...